A blog is a convenient way to publish your movie reviews and movie commentaries. Having an audience will motivate you to write an interesting and well written blog. Join your fellow movie lovers in an exciting conversation regarding what makes for a life-changing movie! Best of all, an engaging blog helps inspire readers to begin posting their movie reviews and commentaries!
Blogging is a form of journaling. Journaling is a touchstone for the self-care movement, right up there with meditation. Keeping a journal helps us organize experiences in our mind (including our movie watching experiences) and make sense of the world. Scientific studies have documented many benefits from journaling including a boost in memory, better sleep, and improved communication skills. Oscar Wilde famously remarked that “criticism is the highest form of autobiography.” When you write about the movies that have inspired you, you will learn more about movies and, at the same time, you will learn more about yourself!
The secret to writing an engaging blog is to let your personality shine through. You can write to inform, to entertain, or to reveal your thoughts about movies and about the ways that movies inform our lives. Your readers will occasionally post comments for you to read. You may be surprised by how much your readers enjoy reading your blog!
Blogging is fun, rewarding, and will definitely hone your writing skills! Most bloggers work on their devices using the app of their choice and then simply copy and paste their text into their blog space. If you prefer, you can work directly in your blog space.