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Art of Cinema
“The scenario of a film is not the film; all films are not psychological. Every critic should take to heart Jean Renoir’s remark, ‘All great art is abstract.’ He should learn to be aware of form, and to understand that certain artists never sought to make a picture that resembled reality.”
– Francois Truffaut, “The Films in My Life”
Each of the three movies I have selected for the topic “Art of Cinema” explores a different aspect of movie art. “Cinema Paradiso” introduces us to a young boy whose life is transformed by the sheer “magic” of movies. Life just isn’t much fun unless you are at the movies! In the movie “Breathless,” on the other hand, the director attempts to capture on film the fluid quality of “real life.” Finally, “The Double Life of Veronique” shows us how a movie can focus on a single “idea.”