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“There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers.”
– St. Theresa of Avila
I define “Romance” as the “infatuation,” “falling in love” stage of a relationship. It includes everything that happens up to the point when both parties say “I like you” to each other and mutually decide they want to be a couple. From that point on, the couple are in a relationship. I discuss movies which focus on the challenges involved in being in a relationship in Chapter 11.
“Romance” is the part of a relationship which is explored by the genre “Romantic Comedy.” This is because the early part of a relationship is usually full of comic moments. Meeting someone new, getting to know them, and telling them we like them is awkward. Awkwardness is inherently comic. Everything from the “meet cute” to the first date to the first time holding hands is full of obstacles and potential embarrassment. The movies I have selected for the topic “Romance” certainly have their comic moments. I would, however, hesitate to use the label “Romantic Comedy” to describe them. Overall, they tend more toward the serious side of romance.
The movies I discuss in this section present different versions of “Romance.” Sometimes, for example, the air is full of romance. All that is needed is a spark to get things going. That is the situation in the incredibly beautiful movie “In The Mood for Love.” On the other hand, in the movie “My Brilliant Career,” romance begins quickly and then we have to wait years and years to find out what is going to happen. Here are four extraordinary movies that explore the topic of romance. These movies are likely to make you laugh. Then they will make you cry. Sometimes you don’t know what to do! I hope you enjoy these extraordinary movies about romance!