The Extraordinary Movies blog space utilizes the powerful WordPress platform. WordPress includes many features which provide virtually unlimited options for you to write and format your blog posts. WordPress can be a bit intimidating at first. Here are simple instructions to get you started:
- Start by clicking on the “Become A Movie Blogger” link immediately following these instructions. “Register and Login” links for bloggers also appears in the blog pull-down menu at the top of the Extraordinary Movies homepage at
- Once you are registered and logged into the Extraordinary Movies blog space, you will see WordPress icons across the top of the Extraordinary Movies homepage. The icons include a “W” for WordPress, a “Dashboard” icon, a “Plus Sign,” and your “Thumbnail.” You might need to orient your phone in landscape mode in order to see all the icons. Each icon has a pull-down menu. The only icons you will be using are the “Plus Sign” and “Thumbnail” icons. These instructions assume you will be using your phone for posting. If you are using a laptop or desktop, the location of the WordPress icons may be somewhat different.
- Click on the “Thumbnail” icon to enter your biographical information or to upload your thumbnail and background photos. You can change these items as often as you wish. WordPress limits the file size for thumbnail and background photos. If the photos you want to use exceed the size limit, there are two possible solutions. Try sending the photos to yourself in an email and then downloading the photos to your device. A more formal solution is to resize your photos here:
- To begin posting, click on “Post” under the “Plus Sign” icon. Click on “Add New Post.” Enter your post “Title.” Then scroll down to the blank text entry area. Paste or enter your post text.
- Scroll down and you will see options to “Add Media,” “Preview,” “Save Draft,” “Move To Trash,” and “Publish.” Under “Categories” check “Blog.”
- It is “Fair Use” under federal copyright law to post images of movie posters, movie artwork, and movie promotional photos in order to identify the movies you are writing about. You can find images and photos to download online. Adding photos to your post is a two step process. First, you need to select and upload your photos. Second, you need to insert the photos into your post. WordPress will insert the photos wherever the cursor is located in the text entry area. The topmost photo inserted into your post will appear above your name in the blog index “Select A Blog To Read.” If you want a different photo to be your “Featured Photo,” scroll down in WordPress and use the “Featured Photo” option to select the photo you want to feature in the blog index. You will need a good internet connection to upload your photos. If the upload process fails, simply upload the photo again. It can be challenging to upload photos. You will need to be patient. The Extraordinary Movies website does not have enough space for video files. Blogs with videos will not be posted.
- After you publish your post, it will appear under your name in the menu item “Select a Blog To Read.” The menu item “Select a Blog To Read ” appears in the blog pull-down menu at the top of the Bicycle Joy homepage. There will be up to a one day delay before your post is published. We review all posts prior to publishing in order to prevent spam from being posted. Thank you in advance for your understanding and patience!
- After you publish your post, you can change your post title, edit your post, add text or media, or delete your post. To access your prior post, login, click on the “Plus Sign,” and then click on “Post.” Next, click on the three horizontal bars in the top left corner of the screen and then click on “All Posts.” Finally, click on “Edit/Classic Editor” for the particular post you wish to edit or delete.
Congratulations! You are now an Extraordinary Movies blogger! Direct your friends and family to visit the Extraordinary Movies website where they can click on “Select a Blog To Read” in the blog pull-down menu at the top of the homepage in order to select your post to read!