Favorite Quotes About Writing
“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.”
― Anton Chekhov
“Good writing is like a windowpane.”
― George Orwell
How To Stop Procrastinating
I had a terrible case of writer’s block. I was having a really hard time starting my YouTube videos script writing project. My life was like a horror movie! I was reminded of Jack Nicholson’s character in Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining!”
I decided to ask Celeste, a college student working as a barista at the Starbucks I frequent, if she had any suggestions regarding how to deal with procrastination. Her advice was hilarious! She said, “Just accept that you are a procrastinator. As long as you ultimately finish the task, then it won’t matter if you are a procrastinator!” Celeste’s advice, comforting though it surely was, didn’t seem to help! I continued procrastinating, and, sure enough, I continued to get absolutely nothing done!
I finally had a major breakthrough! I finished my very first YouTube script! Not only that, I feel confident that I can complete one script per week for the next eleven weeks until my project is complete!
At age 73, I had finally learned how to be a fully functional, productive, and very happy member of society! I want to share what I have learned so you won’t have to wait until you are 73 to stop procrastinating! Here is the secret:
Get Comfortable
I usually have jazz or classical music on in the background when I am writing and editing. A cup of hot tea sits at my side. I am usually reclining, propped up by pillows. This makes using a keyboard difficult. I write with my android phone and one finger. I begin the writing process by clicking the large “plus sign” in Google Drive in order to create a Google doc located within Google Drive. That way everything I write is automatically backed up on Google Drive. Google docs and Google Drive are free apps and are much, much easier to use than Microsoft Word. I typically spend way more time editing my work than I spent writing my work in the first place. It will save you lots of time and effort if you complete the editing process before you begin typesetting your book. Once everything is absolutely perfect, you are ready for the final step. It is time to typeset your book!
Typesetting is a Daunting Task
The primary reason I am writing about resources for writers is to help you with the typesetting phase of your writing project. Your goal is to produce a beautiful book that makes you feel happy and proud. Another, less obvious goal, however, is that you need to produce PDF and Epub files and a cover Jpeg that will be approved by Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) or other publisher that you select.
Reedsy to the Rescue
I spent ten years writing two books and I was beginning to think it was going to take another ten years to use Microsoft Word to typeset my books. My finances are such that I am a “Do It Yourselfer” by necessity. This time, however, I was at the end of my rope trying to use Microsoft Word to typeset my books. I searched online for any advice about typesetting that I could find. Somehow, this led me to Reedsy.
I watched a short video about how to use Reedsy on YouTube. I immediately knew that Reedsy was going to be the solution to my typesetting nightmares. After watching the video, I went straight to Reedsy’s website at www.reedsy.com, registered, and began working. Within thirty minutes, I was a Reedsy expert! Reedsy is incredibly easy to use! Simply copy and paste each chapter of your book into one of their professional templates. I became more and more excited as I copied and pasted each chapter of my book into Reedsy! Within a few hours, I was thrilled beyond words to be able to produce a print ready PDF! I was ecstatic as I sat and reviewed the flawless book design I had selected!
Reedsy is free! They charge a fee only if you use their website to hire an editor, a cover designer, or an agent. I was so grateful that I decided to submit a proposal through Reedsy for a professional designer to produce a cover for my book. After all, Reedsy had just saved me months of effort! Also, since my book had turned out so well it deserved a professional cover! I am located in Arizona. Simon Thompson, my Reedsy cover designer, is located in London! Miraculously, Reedsy had brought us together!
Kindle Direct Publishing
There is no charge to open an account and publish your book on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). When readers purchase your book on Amazon, however, you will be sharing a portion of each book sale with Amazon. You will receive a royalty of about 30% of the sales price for each book you sell on Amazon. You set the sales price. KDP’s author copies program is by far the least expensive way to order copies of your book for you to distribute or to sell on your own. Check out my websites to see how visitors are directed to Amazon if they want to purchase one of my books:
I recommend that you “own your influence” by creating an online presence before you begin promoting your brand on social media.
The Results
My books are Movies That Will Change Your Life and Chasing Spring by Thomas J. Lowry III. Search for my books on Amazon if you would like to check out how everything turned out! After my brilliant experiences with Reedsy, I tell anyone who will listen that Reedsy is “the greatest invention since the printing press!”